Friday, June 4, 2010

43rd Worst Movie: Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie

“Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie” Starring Dan Green, Eric Stuart and Scottie Ray
Directed by Hatsuki Tsuji

Yugio Duel Monsters: Hikari No Pyramid
By Michele Dillon

So the heading, I am guessing, is the Japanese way to say the title of the movie, I thought it was pretty BA so I used it because you don’t want to know what other kind of original title I would have used to describe this movie. Ok, I will tell you anyway, here are a few I was thinking: Yu-Gi-Horrible, Yu-Go-Home, and Yu-Gi-Oh My. Ok, so they are not great but I was being about as creative as the creators of this movie. This movie is in desperate need of one of my lists.

This Movie Sucks Because…
It doesn’t make sense! I watched the entire movie (ok, I may have drifted off here and there) and none of it made sense! They are playing dueling cards??!! What kind of stupid crap is that?!
The one girl character that they made in the movie was wearing so short of a skirt, if she actually had lady parts, I would have seen them…wasn’t this made for kids?
The repetitive and irritating use of the name “Kaiba-boy”. It was used from one character to the other in uses such “you’ll never beat me Kaiba-boy”, “don’t try that one with me Kaiba-boy” and “oh no you didn’t Kaiba-boy”. Ok, so I made that last one up but I think you get the picture.
In the beginning of the movie when they are explaining the start of the story, they use the phrase “it was never to happen, and it hadn’t for 5,000 years” about oh I don’t know, A BILLION TIMES! Ok we get it! It was NEVER to happen! Stop saying that before I MAKE it happen again!
I don’t know what was with the narration of the movie but it was horrible! Horrible voice! Horrible dialogue! Horrible, Horrible, Yu-Gi-Horrible!
I don’t even know if this movie was made for kids, for adults or for idiots, but it NEVER should have been made and I am pretty confident that, even though I have not seen the rest of the movies on the list that this should have been the number one worst movie. Yeah I said it, NUMBER ONE!

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