Monday, January 4, 2010

56th Worst Movie: Doogal

“Doogal” Starring Jimmy Fallon, Daniel Tay and Jon Stewart
Directed by Dave Borthwick and Jean Duval

By Michele Dillon

I’ve noticed that there have been a few kid movies on this list and I think it is a little unfair. If we are really taking into account all the kid movies that have been made, this entire list could be compiled of just that genre.

But for the sake of this venture and for this review I will try and think of a few things that would make this movie deserve to be on this list.

1.) The story was a little cheesy (but that is to be expected) and it didn’t really try to come up with an unpredictable plot. It was actually what I like to call a “plottable plot” (yes I know, I am a genius)
2.) I liked all of the characters voices except for the dog, Doogal, his voice was very annoying. It did not seem like it fit the animation of the dog. I don’t really know if that is just a personal preference type of thing and maybe I am the only one out there who will think that about this movie but hey, this is my review so who cares.

Yes, that is all I have to say about this movie. It wasn’t all that horrible. I know it seems like I say that a lot, but there are also a lot of times where I think it IS that horrible and I am sure you are getting sick of hearing of those too. I am getting a little of sick of writing of both of these types of movies, I feel like this is a long drawn out boring process. Although the idea of watching the 100 Worst movies sounded so good and awesome in my head, it really isn’t. I actually WATCH the movies; I don’t just put it on and listen to it in the background (except for the minor exception of Gods and Generals, but you understand that one). I don’t think that anyone appreciates how grueling this is…barely anyone even reads my reviews….I had to watch Yu Gi Oh! Do you know how horrible that movie is? Probably not, because you never agreed to watch movies just because they are known for being bad…you are not dumb…like me. Ok anyway, enough griping, I was just trying to fill up space since the actual “review” part of this movie wasn’t very long. :)

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