Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Comments!

Ok, so I have a total of 2 followers...but who is counting.
I've got a total of 4 comments, 2 of which are from myself and 2 of which are from my mother...but who is counting....

Because of the above stated facts, I am going to get rid of my guest booker because it is not very efficient. It doesn't post the most recent comments, even though I have set it up to do it that way, and it makes you read the comments one by one instead of letting you scroll through them all and who knows, if one day I have a million comments, that could get very inconvenient. But who knows if my mom even has that much time on her hands anyway...

Don't let the fact that I don't have a guest book deter you from leaving a comment though! Instead- become my follower! Then you can leave a comment on any blog that you want! How exciting! Here is how to become my follower:

1.) Click on this link: https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount

2.) Type in your email address, create a password, and accept the terms and conditions to create an account.

3.) Sign in to www.blogger.com and visit my blog: www.worstoftheworstmovies.blogspot.com.

4.) On the very top of the screen there is an option that says: Follow Blog. Click on that and VOILA! You are my official blog follower!

If you already have a google account, then you can use the same user name and password to log in to blogger.com.

Just so you guys can remember what past readers (AKA: my mom) wrote before about my blog writing abilities I have posted them below for your viewing pleasure:

Comment from Deborah: "Interesting statement you made about Katie's cheezy look. You're right about unsalvagible story lines. How about the movies the directors turn into bad story lines from decent books- well that's just wrong. I like reading blogs like yours, which show strong voice and wit. "

Comment from Deborah: "Goodness I love your sense of humor on these musings. Not a bad poem, either. Not sure this message will take."

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